The University of the West IndiesCrosskill, Hugh (anchor)Herrenberg, Henk (interviewee)Porter, Adrian (correspondents)Edwards, Andrew (correspondent)Partridge, Frank (correspondent)Dobson, Frank (correspondent)2019-12-302019-12-301989-08-11CAR0295 Headlines (00:00-00:40)2. Suriname's military is insisting that the rebels put down their arms before the Peace Accord is accepted. Hugh Crosskill interviews Henk Herrenberg, Advisor to Commander Desi Bouterse (00:41-04:31)3. Financial news (04:32-05:25)4. In one of its major international diplomatic successes since the revolution thirty years ago, Cuba appears to have won enough support to be elected to the United Nations. Adrian Porter reports (05:26-07:04)5. The British Anti-Apartheid Movement launches a nationwide demonstration against the planned rebel cricket tour of South Africa. Frank Partridge reports (07:05-09:05)6. Britain's leading athletes fresh from their triumph of the European championships are battling out for places in the squad for the upcoming Commonwealth Games. Andy Edwards interviews Frank Dobson, British Labour Party MP (09:06-10:49)7. A British newspaper reviews news of interest in the Caribbean (10:50-14:57)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit14 min. 57 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationUnited Nations -- CubaPeace-building -- SurinameCricket players -- South AfricaApartheid -- South AfricaDiscrimination in sportsForeign newsCommonwealth GamesCaribbean Report 11-08-1989Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.