Guyana. Ministry of Education2024-05-012024-05-012023-10 document serves to provide Guyana with an orientation and management document regarding affordable teaching and learning materials to improve its education system's efficiency. The specific objectives are 1. To provide appropriate and attractive textbooks as a basis for the teaching and learning skills vital to personal, social and national development by joining forces active in government and the private sector: 1.1. To facilitate universal student access, in all regions, to all textbooks necessary for the study of national curricula, according to stated student/textbook ratios; 1.2. To ensure that textbooks are compliant with the national curricula and the objectives stated in the ESP; 1.3. To ensure that textbooks are attractive, durable, and reflect current regional and international perspectives and approaches. 1.4. To ensure that those students with special educational needs are catered for. 2. To ensure that textbooks are procured and distributed efficiently and transparently according to objective criteria, transparent bidding processes and value for money. 3. To enhance access to textbooks and other reading materials to improve the reading culture in schools.en-UStextbook policyTextbook policy for GuyanaOther