Land Granted by the Spanish Government

Summary Information

The Alma Jordan Library, The University of the West Indies
Land Granted by the Spanish Government
4.0 Linear feet
In 1783 the Cedula of Population was proclaimed by the King of Spain Jose de Galvez to encourage immigration to Trinidad from the other islands, particularly from the French islands. The edict had several articles including a grant of land for settling in the island. The documents are photocopies but provide the names of petitioners who requested lands, the location and state of these lands in Trinidad.

Preferred Citation note

Land Granted by the Spanish Government. The Alma Jordan Library, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.

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Administrative Information

Publication Information

The Alma Jordan Library, The University of the West Indies

St. Augustine
868-662-2002 Ext 82132

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Controlled Access Headings


  • Land grants -- Trinidad and Tobago -- 19th century
  • Land tenure -- Trinidad and Tobago -- 19th century.
  • Landowners -- Trinidad and Tobago -- 19th century.

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Collection Inventory

Set 1: General abstract of the registry of all grants of land by the Spanish Government of all permissions of occupancy or petitions of grant from the capitulation to the 14th June 1814- The conclusion of Major General Monro's administration of the Government; from the archives in the Office of the Commissary of Population & Acting Surveyor General. As also of the lands occupied under the Spanish Government surveyed by order of the Commiss. of Popul. but without any licence of the Spanish Governor or verification under the 3rd Article of the Royal Cedula. 

Scope and Contents note

The columns used in Set 1 include: Date of petition, Governor, Name of Petitioner, Land prayed for, Where situated, Conditions which the petition proposes, Proportion granted, Nature of grant, Conditions prescribed, Date of grant, What proportions & nature of cultivation, Abandoned, Never cultivated, Actual proportions.

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Set 2: List of lands occupied under the Spanish Government & surveyed by permission of the Spanish Governors according to Form No 2 but of which no grant appears to be made. 

Scope and Contents note

The columns used in Set 2: Names of Occupants, Date of Petition, Quantity of land, Where situated, By whom land was ordered to be surveyed, Registered, Nature of cultivation, Abandoned, Never cultivated, Actual property.

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Set 3: List of petitions presented since the capitulation and lodged in the Office of Commissary of population with the decree thereon according to Form No. 4 

Scope and Contents note

The columns used in Set 3 are similar to those for Set 1.

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