James O'Neil Lewis papers

Summary Information

The Alma Jordan Library, The University of the West Indies
Lewis, James O'Neil
James O'Neil Lewis papers
6.0 Linear feet

Preferred Citation note

James O'Neil Lewis papers. The Alma Jordan Library, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.

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Biographical/Historical note

J. "Scottie" O'Neil Lewis was born in Trinidad on 4th August 1919; he passed away in 2010. He was married to Jeanne nee Winter and fathered six children. He attended the Richmond Boys E.C. School and later went to the Queen's Royal College for his secondary education. He pursued tertiary education at the London University and Oxford University where he got Bachelors of Commerce and Letters respectively. In 1980 he gained a doctorate from the University of Amsterdam.

Dr. O'Neil Lewis started his professional career as a journalist with the Trinidad Guardian until 1950 when he migrated to England to pursue his studies. Upon his return to Trinidad and Tobago, he worked with the government service in various positions. It is to be noted that he was a member of the Trinidad and Tobago delegation which went to England at the Marlborough House meeting to seek independence for the nation.

He served as Ambassador to Belgium and the European Economic Commission 1973-1983 and Ambassador to the United States of America 1983-1987. He worked along with many national and regional agencies notably the Organization of American States, CARICOM, and in Trinidad and Tobago, the Integrity Commission, National Service Committee, 1990 Detention Review Tribunal for the coup detainees, Airports Authority, and the Industrial Court. He received an honourary doctorate from The University of the West Indies in 1997.

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Scope and Contents note

The collection which contains correspondence, documents, manuscripts and photographs, highlights various aspects of his career as a diplomat and public servant to Trinidad and Tobago. Dr. O'Neil Lewis took the opportunity to comment on many aspects of Trinidad and Tobago society inclusive of the constitution. Manuscripts for many of these are available in the papers.

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Arrangement note

The papers are arranged into the following series: Correspondence, Committee Work, Ambassadorship, Subject files A-Z, Speeches and Essays A-Z; Reports A-Z; Trinidad and Tobago Cabinet Documents.

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Administrative Information

Publication Information

The Alma Jordan Library, The University of the West Indies

St. Augustine
868-662-2002 Ext 82132

Custodial History note

The collection was in the possession of the family and was donated to the Alma Jordan Library by Dr. O'Neil Lewis in 2003.

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Controlled Access Headings

Geographic Name(s)

  • Trinidad and Tobago -- History -- 1962
  • Trinidad and Tobago -- Politics and government


  • West Indies (Federation)

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Collection Inventory

Personal Life 1919-1990 

Box Folder

Biographical Information - James O'Neil Lewis 

1 1

Family 1939-1997 

1 2

Education 1969-1980 

Box Folder

University of Amsterdam & Council of Legal Education 1969-1980 

1 3

University of Amsterdam: Doctoral thesis [1980] 

1 4

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Personal Correspondence 1959-2002 

Box Folder

Personal Correspondence 1959-1974 

1 5

Personal Correspondence 1975-1977 

1 6

Personal Correspondence 1978-1980 

1 7

Personal Correspondence 1981- 2002 

1 8

Personal Correspondence (Undated) 

1 9

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Box Folder

Correspondence 1945-1961 

1 10

Correspondence 1962 

1 11

Correspondence 1963-64 

1 12

Correspondence 1965-1973 

1 13

Correspondence 1974 

1 14

Correspondence 1975-1976 

1 15

Correspondence 1977-1979 

1 16

Correspondence 1980-1981 

1 17

Correspondence 1982 - 1983 

1 18

Correspondence 1984 

1 19

Correspondence January-May 1985 

1 20

Correspondence June 1985 

1 21

Correspondence 1986-1987 

1 22

Correspondence 1988-1989 

1 23

Correspondence 1990-1992 

1 24

Correspondence 1993-1997 

1 25

Correspondence 1999-2003 

1 26

Incomplete Pages from Correspondence 

1 27

Undated Correspondence 

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West Indies Federation, Independence of Trinidad and Tobago 1958-1962 

Box Folder

West Indies Federation 

2 1

Review of the West Indies Federal Constitution 

2 2

Revision of the West Indies Federal Constitution 

2 3

Revision of the West Indies Federal Constitution 

2 4

Discussions about the Independence of Trinidad & Tobago including the Marlborough House conference in England. 

2 5

Trinidad & Tobago (Constitution) Order in Council 1962 

2 6

The Marlborough House Conference: How the independence deal was hammered out by Kim Johnson. Sunday Express, August 30, 1998. 1998 

2 7

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Ambassadorship and Foreign Relations 1961-1987 

Box Folder

Trinidad & Tobago Foreign relations, 1962 

2 8

Foreign Relations 1960-1961 

2 9

Ambassador, Belgium and Europe correspondence 1974-1980 

2 10

Ambassador, Belgium and Europe (other documents) 1974-1980 

2 11

Ambassador, USA, 1983 

2 12

Ambassador, USA 1983 

2 13

Ambassador USA. Correspondence 1984 

2 14

Ambassador, USA. Correspondence 1985 

2 15

Ambassador, USA (other documents) 1985 

2 16

Ambassador, USA 1986 

2 17

Ambassador, USA 1987 

2 18

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Integrity Commission 1996-2000 

Box Folder

Office of the Integrity Commission. Correspondence 1996-1997 

2 19

Integrity Commission Annual Reports, 1988, 1991,1995, 1998. 

2 20

The Integrity Commission User's Guide [1996] 

2 21

Integrity in Public Life Act with notes and explanations, 1987-2000 

2 22

Integrity in Public Life: a Review of Legislation, 1995 

2 23

Integrity Commission - Christmas Dinner, Programme and Speech 1997 

2 24

O & M Report on the Software Solution [1993?] 

2 25

Integrity Symposium 1993 

2 26

The Industrial Homestead Act [199-] 

2 27

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Subject Files A-Z 

Box Folder

African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP), 1980-1981 

3 1

Advisory Commission on Crime, 1994-1995 

3 2

Articles from Ron Hubbard, Louis J. Williams, Victor Jordan, Cecil Redman. 

3 3

Aviation Policy Committee, Airports Authority, 1988-1990 

3 4

Biographies of Individuals including Vel Lewis, Gordon Rohlehr. 

3 5

Books on Economic Planning 

3 6

British West Indian Airways (BWIA) 1961-1988 

3 7

Calculations (Unsure of Associations) 

3 8

CARICOM, 1980-1990 

3 9

CARICOM, Meeting for the year 1989. 

3 10


3 11

Constitutional Work, Trinidad and Tobago 

3 12

Constitution - Trinidad & Tobago 

3 13

Constitution - Trinidad & Tobago 

3 14

Cuthbert Joseph: speeches 

3 15

English Literature 

3 16


3 17

Dr. Eric Williams, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago 

3 18

John Clifford Sealy Foundation 

4 1

John Clifford Sealy Foundation 

4 2

John O'Halloran Speech: A Bridge between Europe and the West. 

4 3

Laws of Trinidad & Tobago 

4 4

Maps and plans, including Port of Spain, layout of the Princes' Building Grounds, Oil blocks of Trinidad and Tobago 

4 5

Methodists, Trinidad and Tobago 

4 6

National Service Systems 1989-1991 

4 7

Newspaper Clippings (Articles About J. O'Neil Lewis) 1964-1997 

4 8

Newspaper Clippings (Articles by J. O'Neil Lewis) 1995-1999 

4 9

Newspaper Clippings & Research Articles 

4 10

Newspaper Clippings 

4 11

Notebooks, 1954 

4 12

Official Visits to China and Korea by Prime Minister George Chambers. 1985 

4 13

Oil, Petroleum, 1978-1981 

4 14

Pension research 

4 15

Police Service: report on the restructuring of the police service of Trinidad and Tobago. 1984 

4 16

Police Service, 1996 

5 1

Police Service: report on the reorganization of the Police Service, 1982 

5 2

Postcards, Greetings Cards, Invitations 

5 3

Prime Ministers' Speeches - Mr. A.N.R. Robinson & Mr. George Chambers 

5 4

Queen's Royal College 

5 5


5 6

1990 State of Emergency 

5 7


5 8

Tobago: history and politics 

5 9


5 10


5 11

West Indies Shipping Service, 1964 

5 12

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Speeches, Essays A-Z 

Scope and Contents note

Many of the documents in this series are without dates or formal titles; we have assigned them a short title based on the subject content.


Box Folder

Agricultural Development Bank 

5 13

Anomic Society 

5 13

Auditor General Department, Trinidad and Tobago 

5 13

Banking System, Trinidad & Tobago 

5 13

Birthpangs of a Nation: Book Launch 

5 13

Black Diaspora 

5 13


5 13

Box Folder

Caribbean History and Integration 

5 14

CARICOM & NAFTA, 1994-2001 

5 14

Caribbean Basin Initiative, 1983 

5 14

Catco Financial Statement, 1989 

5 15

Central Bank of Trinidad & Tobago, 1985 

5 15

Charles Kennedy 

5 15

Cipriani Labour College 

5 15

Club L'Overture, 1989 

5 15

Commission of Enquiry Act 

5 16

A Common Market with the United States, 1991 

5 16

Commonwealth Finance Ministers' Meeting (1983): report of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, 1983 

5 16

Corporation Sole, Trinidad and Tobago 

5 16

Court of Appeal, Trinidad and Tobago 

5 16

Crime, Trinidad and Tobago 

5 16

Cuba, 1998 

5 16

Custom & Excise Division 

5 16

Box Folder

Delimiting the Constitution, 1995 

5 17

Developing Countries and the savings dilemma 

5 17

Director of Public Prosecutions, 1995-2002 

5 17

Domestic Violence Act 

5 17

Don't Reach Out and Touch Someone, 1995 

5 17

Box Folder


5 18
Box Box

Economy of Trinidad & Tobago, 1990 

5 19
Box Folder

Education System Trinidad & Tobago 

5 19

Elections, 1995 

5 19

Employee Stock Ownership 

5 19

Employment of Woman, Night Work Act 

5 19

European Economic Commission 

5 19

European Economic Community 

5 19


Box Folder

West Indies Federation 

5 20

Football: Welcome to the National Football team to Washington D.C., 1987 

5 20

Free Trade - Trinidad and Tobago 

5 20

From West Indian Federation 

5 20

General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 

5 21

General Yakubu Gowan, Nigeria 

5 21

German Interest in the Caribbean 

5 21

Government Pensioners' Association 

5 21

Speeches to various graduating classes 1986-1988 

5 21

Gross Domestic Product 

5 21

Growth & Development 

5 21

Trinidad Guardian: reflections. 

5 21
Box Folder

6 1
Box Folder

Hangings - Trinidad and Tobago 

6 1

History of Trinidad and Tobago 

6 1

Human Relations 

6 1

Box Folder

Immigration: Was Indian Immigration necessary? 

6 2

Independence - Trinidad & Tobago 

6 2

Industrial Cooperation & Regional Economic Cooperation 

6 2

Industrial Relations, 1995 

6 2

Inflation, 1995 

6 2

International law 

6 2

International Monetary Fund, 1989 

6 2

Box Folder


6 3


6 3

Lomé convention 

Box Folder

Martin Luther King 

6 4

Comments on the Minimum Wages Act of 1976. 

6 4

Money Laundering 

6 4

Money or Output 

6 4


Box Folder

National Awards of Trinidad and Tobago 

6 5

Nuclear Non-proliferation 

6 5

Office of the President, Trinidad and Tobago 

6 5

Oil Boom, Trinidad and Tobago 

6 5

Ombudsman - Trinidad & Tobago 

6 5

On Being an Economic Satellite 

6 5

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEC 

6 5

Organization of American States (OAS) 1985 

6 5

Box Folder

Speeches to Presidents and other Officials 

6 6

Patriots Recognition Day including a list of persons who contributed to the history of Trinidad and Tobago, 2002 

6 7

Among the Peace Keepers 

6 7

Peter Minshall & Freddie Kissoon, 1995 

6 7


6 7

PNM and Politics 

6 7

Privy Council 

6 7

Staffing the Public Utilities Commission 

6 7

Public Service 

6 8


Box Folder

Reflections of a Diplomat 

6 9

Republic Day 

6 10

Ronald Reagan 

6 10

School Grants, Trinidad and Tobago 

6 10

Science & Society 

6 10

Social Justice 

6 10


6 10

State Enterprises, Trinidad and Tobago 

6 10

St. Dominique's Home 

6 10

Sugar Industry 

6 10

Box Folder


6 11


6 11


6 11

Trinidad & Tobago Teachers Union 

6 11


6 12

Tributes to Arthur Lewis, Malcolm Fitzroy Briggs, and William Demas. 

6 13

Trinidad & Tobago 

6 14

Miscellaneous Items 

6 15

Box Folder

Unemployment, Trinidad and Tobago 

6 16

United Nations 

6 17

United States Direct Investment 

6 18

University of the West Indies (UWI) 

6 19

Box Folder

Venezuelan Surtax 

6 20

Dr. Lewis' visits to Dr Eric Williams between 1980-81 including his last encounter with him. 1980-1981 

6 21

Box Folder

Women in the Bible 

6 22

Working Party of the Civil Service 

6 23

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Reports A-Z 

Box Folder

Activities of Trinidad & Tobago Industrial Development, 1959-1960 

7 1

ARMCO & the Iron and Steel Company of Trinidad and Tobago (ISCOTT), 14-15 May 1979 

7 2

Statement by Hon. Shridath S. Ramphal ... on the signing of the ACP-ECC Convention of Lomé at Lomé, February 28,1975 

7 3

Box Folder

Cave Hill Campus, Report of the Joint Committee of Academic Board and Council on the report of the Marshall Review Committee. 1988 

7 4

Caroni Limited - Special Bulletin - Memorandum presented to Tripartite conference on unemployment and underdevelopment, 1968 

7 4

Committee set up by the Prime Minister to investigate the Grievances of Postmen's Union, 1963-1964 

7 4

Box Folder

Tobago's Economic Progress by Frank A. Dowdy, 1965 

7 5

Dissertation Proposal on European Communities and Africa ...Partnership or Neo-Colonialism? by Guy Martin, 1976 

7 5

Demographic Trends in Trinidad & Tobago: Consequences and Implications, 1993 

7 5

Development and Trade in the Commonwealth Caribbean, 1964 

7 5


Box Folder

Fuel Alcohol: Factor for Hemispheric Security by Diogo de Figueiredo 

7 6

From the Caribbean to the UN - International Security is My Business by Cecil T.J. Redman 

7 6

43rd Conference of Delegates for the Government Pensioners' Association of Trinidad & Tobago, 2000 

7 6

Gurley Report - Review Team Appointed by Cabinet to Advise on Systems to Reduce Existing Delays in the Administration of Justice, 1992 

7 6


Cave Hill Campus, Report of the Joint Committee of Academic Board and Council on the report of the Marshall Review Committee. Marshall Report UPEC (University Planning & Estimate Committee) 1987 

Box Folder

National Archives Report, 1962 

7 8

Report of the National Awards Committee on the matters concerning the system of National Awards..., 1997 

7 8

National Training & Service Programme 

7 8


7 8

NIHERST. Annual Report, 1986 

7 8

Box Folder

Poverty, Youth and Crime: Project Proposal by Ramesh Deosaran. 1995 

7 9

Proposals for an Independence Constitution for Trinidad & Tobago, 1962 

7 9

Proposal to Act as Investment Consultants to the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago by Van Kloberg & Associates 

7 9

Privatization and the State Enterprise Sector in Trinidad & Tobago: Market and Non-Market ...by Ralph Henry, 1989 

7 9

Box Folder

Transfer of Commercial Technology by J.E. David [19--] 

7 10

The Three Aspects of the Caribbean Community by William Demas, 1979 

7 10

Treaty Establishing the Caribbean Community, [July 4, 1973] 

7 10


Box Folder

Ubiquity of Corruption: Theoretical Approaches. By Anthony P. Maingot, 1997 

7 11

Minutes of a Meeting of Tripartite Committee on Wages, Prices, Profits and Investment ... [19--] 

7 11

West Indian Committee: Notes on Commonwealth Sugar and the European Economic Community, 1961 

7 11

First report of the Working Party on the Role and Status of the Civil Service in the Age of Independence, 1964 

7 11

Work or Welfare? Developing countries and the technology dilemma. 

7 11

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Cabinet Documents 

Box Folder

Correspondence 1974-1986 

7 12

Cabinet Notes, 1964 

7 13

Caribbean Basin Initiative (Cabinet Note), 1983 

7 14

Comments on the Central Banking and Commercial Banking bill. 

7 15

A note on measures for export promotion 

7 15

Conversion of Mardon Estate to Training Centre 1964 

7 16

Official Visits by the Prime Minister to the UK and the Far East 1985-1988 

7 17

Public Service Review Task Force: submissions to Cabinet 1985 

7 18

Reorganisation of the Ministry of External Affairs 1985 

7 19

Incomplete Pages 

7 20

Undated Correspondence 

7 21

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Box Folder

Portraits of James O'Neil Lewis 

8 1

Personal Photos 

8 2

Early Photo Scenes 

8 3

James O'Neil Early Photos 

8 4

London, Oxford Years 1953 

8 5

Germany 1954 

8 6

Fruit Sampling 

8 7

Beirut, Lebanon, 1974 

8 8

Representing Trinidad & Tobago as Delegate 

8 9

OAS, 1984-1985 

8 10

Office located in the Embassy of Trinidad and Tobago, Washington 

8 11

Washington D.C. social events including Ronald & Nancy Regan 

8 12

China & Trinidad & Tobago 

8 13

Fiji: including photos of P.J. Patterson & Ratu Mara 

8 14

Luncheon for Paul Volcker 

8 14

Personalities: Trinidad & Tobago, Visitors 

8 16

James O'Neil Lewis Socialising 

8 17

40th Session of UN General Assembly 1985 

8 18

Dr. Lewis greeting World Leaders and Representatives through the years 

8 19

Group Photos 

8 20

Giving/Receiving Awards & Tokens 

8 21

James O'Neil Photos 

8 22

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James O'Neil Lewis Pamphlets 


West Indian Association of Maryland: first anniversary commemorative brochure 1982 

Women in ministries. Vol.1, No. 2 1991 

Commonwealth currents April, 1980 

West Indian economist. Vol. 3 No. 1 1960 

Equality: journal of ethnic studies. Vol.1, No. 1. 1989 

Annual report of the President of the Industrial Court of Trinidad and Tobago. Vol. 4 1969 

Report to Parliament (Trinidad and Tobago) by the Integrity Commission 1989 

The new Caribbean: 1962-1982 1982 

Government Pensioners' Association. Conference of Delegates. 1998 

Conference on Violence, Self and the Young Male. June 15th -17th 1993 

Diplomatic list 1986 

Integrity symposium 1993 

Report and valuation on Scarborough, Tobago. 1962 

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