Organisation Name = Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Organisation Type1 = Public Sector Organisation Type2 = Central Government Website = Focus Area = Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries About Organisation = MISSION STATEMENT A professional and highly motivated staff providing efficient, effective, quality services to the agricultural community (farming, fishing, forestry) to stimulate maximum production for local consumption, export and increased incomes through the sustainable use of natural resources. VISION STATEMENT An agricultural sector that is globally competitive, ensures food security and sustainable livelihoods for the nation, and the conservation of our natural environment. Country = Grenada Headquarters Address = Third Floor, Ministerial Complex, Botanical Gardens, Tanteen St. George's Organizational Contact Person1 = Organizational Contact Person2 = Organizational Contact Person3 = Email Address1 = Email Address2 = Email Address3 = Phone Number = (473) 440-2708/3078/3083 Fax Number = (473) 440-4191