Caribbean Report 05-08-1999 

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The British Broadcasting Corporation



Table of Contents

1. Headlines with anchor Orin Gordon (00:00 - 00:28)
2. In Bahamas, lawyers of John Higgs and David Mitchell scheduled to be executed is attempting to gain a stay of execution on the judgment. 52 year old Higgs and 26 year old Mitchell are scheduled to be hanged next week Tuesday. Lawyers are arguing that government overlooked constitutional motions filed in the Supreme Court and violation of human rights. Lawyers also filed a motion to the Inter-American Commission on human rights. Jerome Sawyer reports from Nassau (00:29 – 03:06)
3. Senior officials at the US Department of Defense report that the loss of Howard Air Force base in Panama has weakened US anti narcotic patrols in the region. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Ana Maria Salazar discusses the importance of the base for anti–drug monitoring programme and training and seeking new strategies in other countries to conduct anti-drug surveillance and Venezuela’s refusal to allow the US to fly over airspace in its air anti-smuggling efforts (03:07 – 04:44)
4. The election Council in Haiti will receive more than 3.5 million US dollars from US based Agency for International Development to register the country’s four million voters. Karen Seeger from Washington based International Foundation for Election Systems discusses the agency’s engagement in the election process in Haiti (04:44 - 08:03)
5. Work commenced on Venezuela newly elected assembly on rewriting the constitution. President Chavez offered his resignation as a symbolic gesture, with the majority of his backers in assembly, he is assured of confirmation in office in the post of president (08:04 - 09:55)
6. Finance Minister Bharrat Jagdeo comments on the Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) Initiative to aid indebtedness in developing countries and the benefits of the program. He reiterates the importance of conditionality being met but states that debt relief not may not be enough to create a sustainable economic future and free up resources to service external debt (09:56 – 12:31)
7. There are reports of positive drug testing for two Olympic champions, Cuba Javier Sotomayor and Jamaican born British citizen sprinter Linford Christie. Christie tested positive for the banned drug nandolone. BBC Reporter appraises the issue on drugs in sports and testing procedures (12:32 – 15:26)

