Caribbean Report 19-11-1999



Table of Contents

1. Headlines with anchor Orin Gordon (00:00 - 00:24)
2. Hurricane Lenny left at least 7 persons dead as it rampages across the north eastern Caribbean. It has been downgraded to category one storm. CDERA Coordinator Jeremy Collymore provides assessment of full extent of damage. Wakefield Richardson provides assessment on flooding and infrastructural damage in the Valley in Anguilla. Broadcaster Evered 'Webbo' Herbert, Voice of Nevis Radio reports on widespread damage in Nevis and surrounding islands. Prime Minister Denzil Douglas discusses linkage between climate change, global warming, environmental practices of industrialized world and impact of hurricanes ( 00:25 – 08:07)
3. The impact of practices of industrialized countries on climate change and unpredictable weather patterns is the subject of a draft report by Scientists. William Gray professor at Colorado State university in Fort Collins analyses the report (08: 08 - 10:35)
4. A shortage of petroleum in Grenada is being blamed on the hurricane high rains and winds destroyed roads (10:36 – 10:58)
5. Confidential papers released by the British Public Records Office notes a series of field trials on deadly gas anthrax tests were carried out of the coast of St. Kitts in 1950s. Alastair Hay Professor at University of Leeds discusses inadequate preparation on operation. Writer Carol Phillips shares views on catastrophic effects of gas if experiments had gone wrong (10:59 – 13:25)
6. Ecuador carried appeals to approval from WTO in its bid to carry out threat to impose 450 million dollars in sanctions against European Union. Claire Doyle reports (13:26 – 15:26)

