Caribbean Report 02-04-1993


Correspondent Geraldine Coughlan reports from Saint Martin on the political career and socialist philosophy of Madame Lucette Michaux-Chevry known as Guadeloupe’s iron lady. Haitian communities throughout the Caribbean are hopeful that she will take up their plight in her role as Guadeloupe’s deputy leaning towards social development programme. The US State Department has agreed to let 36 Haitian refugees infected with AIDS leave Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to enter the US for treatment. This is in response to a Federal court ruling directing the government to provide medical care at the base or elsewhere. Attorney for the refugees Cheryl Little in an interview with correspondent Debbie Ransome - states extensively that this is still not enough, effective or humane solution to the dire situation. Alec Gordon, British commodities expert, economist and editor at the Economist Intelligence Unit has warned that time is running out for trade packs based on former moral obligations between the north and south and says that Caribbean countries should seek to move out of commodities and into manufacturing where possible. In an interview with correspondent Debbie Ransome, he explains the economic reasons responsible for the change. Guyana is pinning its economic revival hopes on changing its tax structure and – expanding private sector activity. After six months in office Finance Minister Asgar Ali is trying to find a solution to the country’s debt. In an interview with correspondent Yvette Rowe, he outlines the inherited size of the foreign debt and economic problems of a two day Euro Money seminar on investment in Cuba in London – American Kirby Jones speaks to correspondent Hugh Croskell about the investment possibilities in Cuba. Hugh Croskell also speaks to Deputy Foreign Minister Ramón Sánchez-Parodi and gets his perspective on the matter of investing in Cuba and its political stability.


Table of Contents

1. Correspondent Geraldine Coughlan reports from Saint Martin on the political career and socialist philosophy of Madame Lucette Michaux-Chevry known as Guadeloupe’s iron lady (00:31- 02:33).
2. The US State Department has agreed to let 36 Haitian refugees infected with AIDS leave Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to enter the US for treatment (02:34- 04:48).
3. Alec Gordon, British commodities expert, economist and editor at the Economist Intelligence Unit, has warned that time is running out for trade packs based on former moral obligations between the north and south (04:49 -07:20).
4. Guyana is pinning its economic revival hopes on changing its tax structure and – expanding private sector activity (07:21: 10:22).
5. A two day Euro Money seminar on investment in Cuba in London – American Kirby Jones speaks to correspondent Hugh Croskell about the investment possibilities in Cuba (10:23 - 14:52).

