Caribbean Report 03-04-1990


The sugar strike of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union called for industrial action after wage talks with the state-owned Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO) broke down. GUYSUCO warned that a prolonged dispute within the industry could serve to jeopardize the export quota to the European Economic Community. Secondly, the Puerto Rican Senate commenced legal action in the US court to access documents which could prove that the FBI was involved in the killing of two members of the Puerto Rico Independence Movement in 1978. This legal action is opposed by the US Department of Justice. Twelve years ago Carlos Soto and Arnaldo Dario attempted to bomb a television transmission tower to protest against the dependence of Puerto Rico on the United States. Contrary to the initial police reports that the men were shot and killed in a gun fight after they refused to surrender, the police eventually confessed that they had surrendered and shot by a firing squad as they knelt on the ground. Following the Financial news, Sir Eric Gairy of Grenada comments his political future, the Mongoose Gang and the threat of communism to the western world. The final segment provides a brief report on the recent appointment of David Taylor, Governor of Montserrat.


Report ends abruptly.

Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:42)
2. Ian McDonald reports on Guyana's two-day sugar strike (00:43-05:19)
3. Puerto Rico begins court action in the US to solve the murder of Carlos Soto and Arnoldo Dario in 1978. Report by Adrian Porter (05:20-07:34)
4. Financial News. Robin Bhar, Metals Analyst, comments on the price of aluminium (07:35-09:20
5. Sir Eric Gairy declares his intention to stand for re-election in the next conference of the Grenada United Labour Party. Interview with Ian McDonald (09:21-12:50)
6. Appointment of new governor for Montserrat (12:51-13:34)

