Organisation Name = Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Organisation Type1 = Public Sector Organisation Type2 = Central Government Website = Focus Area = Agriculture and Fisheries About Organisation = Vision A transformed/modern sector that is fully competitive, diversified and sustainable. Mission To continue as the economic pillar of Belize, ensuring food security, generating income and foreign exchange, creating employment, and conserving natural resources, in order to grow the economy, reduce poverty and empower the local population for sustainable development. Strategic Goal Contribute to the overall GDP growth and national household incomes and growth in export earnings. Strategic Purpose *To stimulate and facilitate agricultural and fisheries sector growth and reduce rural poverty. * To create the enabling and favorable environment to increase the efficiency, productivity, profitability and competitiveness of the agriculture, fisheries and cooperative sectors. * Accelerate the diversification in production, processing and exports. Improve and conserve the natural and productive resource base to ensure long-term sustainable productivity and viability. * Improve access to productive resources and services and create economic opportunities for small/young farmers, women and indigenous people, particularly in poor, marginal areas. * Strengthen the institutional capacities to provide effective support in marketing and trade, research and extension, as well as relevant education and training.Increasing food production, enhance food security and improve the nutritional status of the population as well as increasing farm incomes. * Strengthen inter-sectoral linkages, in particular with the social sectors of health and education, as well as with the strategy and action plan for poverty eradication. Country = Belize Headquarters Address = 2nd Floor, West Block Building, Belmopan City, Belize, C.A. Organizational Contact Person1 = Organizational Contact Person2 = Organizational Contact Person3 = Email Address1 = Email Address2 = Email Address3 = Phone Number = (501) 822-2241-42 Fax Number = (501) 822-2409/2328